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The Bishops of Saskatchewan have partnered with the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation to create the Sask K of C Vocations Endowment. The proceeds from this Endowment will be disbursed on an annual basis equally to each seminarian throughout all Saskatchewan Dioceses and Eparchy to help defray the $33,000.00 per year it costs to educate each Seminarian. The annual provincial campaign for the Endowment will take place during the weekends of February. Please view our website at for further details and to make a contribution. The Bishops, Priests, Knights of Columbus and Catholic faithful thank you in advance for your generous support of the education and development of Seminarians through Prayer and financial assistance.
An equal annual contribution will be made to each Seminarian from the Archdioceses, Dioceses, and Eparchy within Saskatchewan. The amount of the contribution will be determined by the earnings realized from the Endowment over the prior fiscal year.
The Sask K of C Charitable Foundation has made a commitment to ensure that each Seminarian will receive a minimum of $1,000.00 each year.
It is understood that the initial mandate of the Sask K of C Vocations Endowment is to support Seminarian education and development.