Some of Our Recipients
Recipients in 2024
CFS Prince Albert Early Learning Resource Centre – Prince Albert
A Domestic violence support group. The focus is on women survivors who require assistance to leave this relationship.
Lloydminster and Area Brain Injury Society LABIS – Lloydminster
Provide free programs, services + referrals for persons who have sustained brain injuries in our area. A safe place to expand their skills of memory, reading etc.
Spina Bifida + Hydrocephalus Ass’n of Saskatchewan North Saskatoon
Fund balance supports Wheels, allowing participants to compete on rougher terrain in sports like wheelchair basketball, dancing, racing and sled hockey.
Rex Mundi Society Inc. Youth Camp – Rose Valley/Kelvington
The goal is to replace 2 bunkhouses this winter and another 2 in the fall. Council #8594 Kelvington/Rose Valley assists them, with some local COOP support.
Camp Lemieux Youth Camp – Swift Current/Maple Creek
Due to massive water damage, the main bathrooms need repair. Swift Current Council #3031 and Maple Creek Council #8991 support this camp.
St. Michael’s Youth Camp – Kamsack
Supply extra bunkbeds, van rentals, septic removal, etc. They run different faith-based programs and registration continues to grow—about 140 registrants.
Kenosee Boys and Girls Camp – Kenosee Lake – Carlyle
Replace the main cooking stove and the bathroom floors that are rotting Council #10317 Local Knights volunteer services and the Council supports financially.
St. John Bosco Wilderness Camp – Nipawin
Replace two, 10-year-old Prospect Tents and add one more new one due to Increased demand. Tents are Canadian-made and are 10′ X 12′ X 6.5′ high.
Sask Youth Development Complex – Camp Blackstrap Saskatoon
Replace failing lighting with high-efficiency LED fixtures in targeted buildings in the common dorm exterior, kitchen mess hall, pool and gymnasium.
Luseland Bible Camp – Luseland
Complete the kitchen dining hall renovation; we still need a commercial refrigerator and a convection oven. Approximately $4.000 each. We are converting the old Chapel into a kitchen.
Camp Monahan – Regina
Proceeding with their five-year Revitalization and Sustainability plan. Repairing and replacing cabins in preparation for their 80th Anniversary in 2025.
Columbus Bosco Homes – Saskatoon
Retreat to the Farm. An 8-day course for students from across the city dealing with Mental Health, Healthy Lifestyle, recreational activities, and spiritual and Liturgical Celebrations.
Creative Kids Saskatchewan – Regina
To remove financial barriers for kids between 4 and 19 to be able to participate in arts, dance, theatre, music and other cultural activities. Operating since 2010 in 166 communities across Saskatchewan. Sask Lotteries cover Admin. Fees.
AMPO – Christ the Teacher Catholic Schools – Yorkton
Train Staff in outdoor First Aid by Back 40 Wilderness First Aid Training. They hold youth camps for Grade 7 students from across the division at Madge Lake.
Face to Face Ministries – Saskatchewan
Purchase a 2nd van and full set of gear, sound board, mics, lights, projector, laptop, tablets, software, etc. The demand has been steadily growing and with the added staff. They hold Catholic Youth Retreats throughout Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools – Saskatoon
Blaze A High School Byzantine Leadership Retreat. To form young leaders to evangelize, to equip them with the knowledge of Byzantine Ukrainian Catholic Tradition.
My Generation Youth Rally – Archdiocese of Regina
Support the Annual My Gen Youth Rally for students in the Archdiocese of Regina Allows students the experience of community while creating opportunities to grow in faith.
Turning Point Youth Ministries – Meadow Lake
Provide life skills programs and a safe place for youth to gather weekly. Funding is needed for food, programming, supplies, heat, electrical bills and wages.
St. Angela Mercy Residence – Saskatoon
To relocate the hair salon and renovations from the basement at the mercy residence, presently it is inaccessible to many of the residents, especially those in wheelchairs.
St Paul’s Hospital Foundation 2nd year of a 5-year Commitment of $10,000
Committed $50,000 over 5 years. (2nd Year $10,000/yr.) funding Hospice at Glengarda “Hospitality Cart”. The cart expresses compassionate and holistic care to those in our community on their end-of-life journey.
Santa Maria Foundation Inc. – Regina
Purchase Broda Chairs. Some residents can no longer sit in their traditional chairs or wheelchairs. The Broda Chairs are very comfortable and easy for staff to move residents about throughout the home.
Rebuilding Catholic Culture – STM Saskatoon
To offset the costs of the major Fall Conference speaker and offset instructor expenses for our Literature Study, writing and Rhetoric Philosophy classes and Aquinas Seminar. We recover about half of our costs through our registration fees.
St Peters College Campus Ministry – Muenster
Support the Campus Ministry team and student services initiatives throughout the academic year. Welcoming in speakers on mental health and spiritual guidance aspects of students’ lives to help them understand the importance.
SIGN Early Learning Centre – Yorkton
Purchase a new fridge for Daycare. Capacity of Daycare is 45 (15 toddlers + 30 pre-school). The present fridge is not repairable due to health and safety regulations.
St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission – Bruno
Assist one Director of Formation through the M.S. in Psychology at the Divine Mercy University, Virginia. Mental health issues are increasingly seen in students.
Circle Project Assn Inc. – Regina
Cultural Connection for Kids (CCK) To Provide a virtual program providing access to positive cultural activities allowing children to learn/build cultural pride.
Saskatchewan Catholic School Board Ass’n (SCSBA) – Saskatchewan
Create a short film campaign to enhance Indigenous Education in Catholic Schools centred around the SCSBA’s efforts of Truth and Reconciliation.
Pro-Life Estevan + Area Inc. – South East Saskatchewan
Install and maintain Highway Signs at Kenaston, Maymont, McTaggart, Halbrite and Weyburn covering most of SE Saskatchewan. Working with other SPL groups to install more signs across Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Pro-Life Ass’n
We are supporting, informing, and mobilizing pro-life groups and individuals throughout Saskatchewan by publishing 3 issues of the Choose Life News, organizing + sponsoring the Annual “March for Life” and financing the SPLA Annual Convention.
Justice Centre for Constitutional Rights – Saskatchewan
Defending religious freedom, parental rights and the Charter rights and freedoms of people in Saskatchewan by providing them with free pro bono legal advice and representation (if they need it). Saskatchewan Budget $200,000
K of C Indoor Games – Saskatoon
Assist in the cost of putting on the K of C Indoor Games. International athletes compete each year and speak at area schools about the positives of competing in sports.
Saskatoon Senior Citizens Philippine Foundation Inc. – Saskatoon
Provide seniors with programs and activities that make their lives better. Activities provide nutrition, health and fitness, socializing and spiritual support.
Light of Christ School Division (LOCSD) – North Battleford
Lexia Learning – a reading literacy program. Plastic band instruments to support the growth of some emergent readers. Rosetta Stone-EAL language program.
Prince Albert Grand Council (PAGC) – Prince Albert
To purchase food, clothing, blankets and personal hygiene products. Operate 2 vans from 6 am to 2 am serving all homeless Indigenous or Non-Indigenous all done with volunteer help
Holy Family Refugee Sponsorship Committee – Regina
Bring a Christian Refugee family to Canada. A family from Pakistan is now living in Malaysia. Have raised $32,000 of the $40,000 so far. A grant to help would be great.
Safe Families Canada Battlefords (SFCB) – North Battleford
They require 2 part-time Admin staff and one Chapter Director to coordinate volunteer Families that Host vulnerable children in their homes, providing friendship, and mentoring and creating an extended family-like support system.
St Athanasius Ukrainian Catholic Church – Regina
Ukrainian Immigrants within the parish are requiring support to help them settle here. The funds will be used to purchase bedding, mattresses, clothing and food.
Council #11888 Refugee Sponsorship and Resettlement – Saskatoon
To raise funds for refugee families moving into Saskatoon. These Refugees are coming from Eritria, Sudan and Egypt in February. Our Lady of Lourdes Parish families are sponsoring them and this would help offset some of the costs.
Seminarian Support – Vocations to the Priesthood – A total of $60,200 divided equally between our eight Saskatchewan Seminarians.
Catholic University Bursaries – Budget $9,000
Three $1,000.00 bursaries are presented to St. Peter’s College, St Thomas More and Campion College. To Qualifying must be a Knight, spouse, child or grandchild of a Knight
Campion Knights Bursary – Budget $1,000
One $1000.00 bursary is presented to an inner city student enrolled as a student at Campion College. Preference is given to a graduate of Mother Teresa Middle School.
St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission Bursary – Budget $1,000
One $1,000.00 bursary is presented to the qualifying applicant who is a knight, spouse, child or grandchild of a knight
Poly Technic Bursaries – Budget: $4,000
4-$1,000 Bursaries 1 each to Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert and Moose Jaw. To qualify, the applicant must be a knight, spouse, child or grandchild of a knight
Under the James and Lawrence Food for Families Grant a total of $56,500 was distributed to twelve applicants.
Guadalupe House – Saskatoon
Fr. Kunka Council # 6594 Kelvington/Rose Valley
Unity Council #5707 with St. Peter’s Church and the schools
Council #1886 with Humboldt Community Soup Kitchen Inc.
Archbishop O’Neill Council # 8896 Regina
Council #9538 Mother of Perpetual Help – Front Door Ministry
Council #11888 Mary Mother of the Church – Food Pantry
Council #3920 Denzil and District Community Food Bank
Council #6068 Lanigan Food Bank
St. Gabriel School Lunch Program in Biggar
Council #6684 Luseland/Kerrobert Food Bank
Council #6169 Biggar Foodbank
Recipients in 2023
Catholic Family Services in Saskatoon, North Battleford and Prince Albert. All 3 work with the inner-city youth and adults, with Saskatoon receiving extra support from the Endowments.
Lloydminster + Area Brain Injury offer free programs and support for those suffering from brain injuries as well as providing support for their caregivers with resources and respite.
9 successful applications from our Youth Camps provide summer retreats for students around Saskatchewan. Through spiritual guidance, prayer and recreation most camps run 2-week sessions giving them a chance to increase their faith and an opportunity to interact with others. Camps involved were Rex Mundi/Christ the King Camp at Archerwill, St. Michael’s Camp at Madge Lake near Kamsask, Camp Lemieux at Lac Pelletier South West of Swift Current, Camp Monahan at Lebret, Camp O’Neill at Round Lake near Stockholm, St John Bosco Wilderness Camp out of Nipawin, Luseland Bible Camp at Luseland, Kenosee Boys + Girls Camp at Kenosee and Saskatoon Youth Development Complex at Blackstrap.
Columbus Bosco Homes provides a three-tier program with the Farm School Program by Aberdeen as well as providing Family Learning Centres Program for parents and children from birth to six years old and also offers a Substance Abuse Awareness Program at the Farm school on a referral basis with the Greater Saskatoon Catholic High School students.
Face to Face Ministries operates out of Saskatoon and provides Christian youth ministry retreats around Saskatchewan. Support is needed to fund an additional 2 Summer Students, to provide programming for participants and assist the year-round staff.
Creative Kids Saskatchewan is working to remove the financial barriers that prevent many children ages 4 to 19 from participating in arts, dance, theatre music and other cultural activities. Operating in over 240 communities across Saskatchewan. Funding is used for low-income families.
The Support from the individual Endowments increased our support for Pro-Life causes.
Saskatoon Pregnancy Options operates an oasis of calm help for women and families facing a pregnancy crisis. Increased activity has caused the need for more staff and volunteers.
Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association works hard to provide information about life issues. Opposing sex-selective abortions, fighting to maintain the ability to lobby near hospitals and clinics performing abortions, supporting physicians’ “Conscious Right of Refusal” to participate in abortion and many more. They also coordinate the Annual March for Life in Regina. This year we have approved pay for one edition of the Choose Life News.
St Paul’s Hospital Foundation Operates the “Hospice at Glengarda” in Saskatoon. The Hospice allows the families of those nearing the “end of life” an opportunity to live on-site with their loved one throughout his/her final days. We have agreed to Sponsor a “Hospitality Cart” over a five-year period, which will be stocked regularly with snacks and sundry items which are gifted to patients, their families and loved ones.
Santa Maria Foundation Inc. operates the Santa Maria Long Term Care Home located in Regina. A grant was given for new foam mattresses, which will allow the residents more comfort and in turn provide better rest. These will replace the old air mattresses.
Guadalupe House, “Wake Honoring the Loss” is the third year of a four-year program. Offering individuals the opportunity to experience support, guidance and caring from elders within the indigenous community. Operating from 6 am to 6 pm to assist them and their families to deal with their emotions.
Circle Project Ass’n provides a Cultural Connection for kids. This program provides access to positive cultural activities where the children in our programs can learn/build cultural pride and self-esteem before entering kindergarten. This should help lead them to a more culturally enriched and supportive home environment as well. A grant was allocated to assist in this venture.
Turning Point Youth Ministries in Meadow Lake provides life skills programs and a safe place for youth to gather weekly. They serve largely an indigenous group with a healthy meal, mental health services, a laundry room, a shower and a clothing room. They are taught responsibility by helping to cook and being responsible for cleaning up after themselves. A grant will help provide food, programming supplies, heat and wages.
Justice Centre for Constitutional Rights is a law firm operating from Calgary defending Religious and Charter Rights and Constitutional Freedoms of individuals across Canada. Their legal team is experienced and competent in handling these cases by providing free pro bono legal advice and representation (if they need it). 80% of cases only need a letter from a legal representative to have charges dropped. They do have charitable status with CRA. A grant was given to help defend issues involving Saskatchewan defendants.
Spina Bifida + Hydrocephalus Assoc. of Saskatchewan, works with these clients to allow them to move about freely. They need a special wheel attached to the front of their wheelchair for travelling over uneven terrain, and curbs and making winter wheeling somewhat easier and safer. A grant was given to purchase these wheels.
Micah Missions (operating with Sask. Partners) provides support for individuals returning to the community following a time of incarceration. Many coming out of these facilities need assistance in helping them not offend again. Their motto “No more victims of sexual violence” has proven successful for over 25 years.
Mother Teresa Middle School located in Regina is a school for inner-city grade 5 +6 students who are having trouble within the normal school environment. They need to replace their full-sized school bus. Attendance is critical and students come from anywhere within Regina. A grant was given to assist with this purchase.
St. Peter’s College provides University level courses to students at the local level. As well, they provide educational programming around spiritual and societal topics. A grant was provided for hosting lunch speaker events, meet and greet sessions at the beginning of term and anything that will help impact a positive experience for their students.
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Board of Education is hosting the Canadian Catholic Trustees Assoc. 2023 Annual Convention + AGM on June 1-3/23. A grant was given to sponsor a presenter from Saskatchewan.
Rebuilding Catholic Culture operated from the St. Thomas More College is holding a one-day Summer Seminar in conjunction with Celebrating its 10th Anniversary Celebration. A grant was provided to help pay for instructors in Logic, Grammar and Lit. Study courses for homeschoolers and other interested Catholics. Registration fees are expected to cover about half of these costs.
Seminarian Support has been a collaborative effort between the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation and the Bishops of Saskatchewan. This has been an ongoing project for the past 5 years. To date, just over $1.3 million has been raised and only the earnings will be used each year. This year with the earnings from the Vocation’s Endowment and the various other Endowments we can Grant each of our Saskatchewan Seminarians a check for $5170 to help cover their total cost of over $30,000 per year.
Education Bursaries are presented to students of the Saskatchewan Catholic Universities, St Thomas Moore, Campion and St. Peter’s Colleges, 3 – $1,000 Bursaries are offered to qualifying students from each College. As well, Campion College Council #15955 offers a $1,000 Bursary to a graduate student, from Mother Theresa Middle School, who is enrolled at Campion College University. The Foundation also supports a qualifying student enrolled at St. Therese Institute at Bruno of Faith and Mission with a $1,000 Bursary. Four $1,000 Bursaries (1 per College), are given out to qualifying students enrolled at each of the 4 Poly-Technical Colleges in Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, Prince Albert and Regina.
In recognition of the support from James & Lawrence Meier, the “Food for Families” Grant has been established. Knights of Columbus Councils who partner with another organization/or operate their Food for Families program are eligible for some extra funding. The following Council Applications have been approved for 2022 from the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation in partnership with other Endowments.
Swift Current Council #3031– High School and Knights Garden Project
Unity Council #5707 with St. Peter’s Church and the schools
Fr. Kunka Council # 6594 – Wadina and Kelvington Food Banks
Fr. Desmond Council #5965 Hudson Bay Food Voucher Program
Archbishop O’Neill Council #8896 Regina Holy Child Parish, Regina Food Bank and various others.
Meadow Lake Council #5259 partnering with Meadow Lake Outreach
Mary Mother of the Church Council #11888 Saskatoon – Food Pantry
Meadow Lake Council #5259 – Gateway Middle School Lunch Program
Humboldt Council #1886 with Humboldt Community Soup Kitchen Inc.
Mother of Perpetual Help Council #9538 Guadalupe House
Recipients in 2022
There were Catholic Family Services in Saskatoon, North Battleford and Prince Albert. All 3 work with the inner-city youth and adults, with both Saskatoon and North Battleford receiving extra support from the Endowments.
Lloydminster + Area Brain Injury offer free programs and support for those suffering from brain injuries as well as providing support for their caregivers with resources and respite.
There were 9 successful applications from our Youth Camps that provide summer retreats for students around Saskatchewan. Through spiritual guidance, prayer and recreation most camps run 2-week sessions giving them a chance to increase their faith and an opportunity to interact with others. Camps involved were Rex Mundi/Christ the King Camp at Archerwill, St. Michael’s Camp at Madge Lake near Kamsask, Camp Lemieux at Lac Pelletier South West of Swift Current, Camp Monahan at Lebret, Camp O’Neill at Round Lake near Stockholm, St John Bosco Wilderness Camp out of Nipawin, Luseland Bible Camp at Luseland, Kenosee Boys + Girls Camp at Kenosee and Saskatoon Youth Development Complex at Blackstrap.
Columbus Bosco Homes provides a three-tier program with the Farm School Program by Aberdeen as well as providing Family Learning Centres Program for parents and children from birth to six years old and a Substance Abuse Awareness Program offered at the Farm school on a referral basis with the Greater Saskatoon Catholic High School students.
The Dolly Parton Imagination Library working with the Prince Albert Literacy Network Unit provides free quality books to children from birth to 5 years of age. The literacy level in Prince Albert is rated one of the lowest in Canada.
Face to Face Ministries operates out of Saskatoon and provides youth ministry retreats around Saskatchewan. Support is needed to fund an additional 2 Summer Students to provide programming for participants and assist the year-round staff.
Creative Kids Saskatchewan is working to remove the financial barriers that prevent many children from 5 to 19 from participating in arts, dance, theatre music and other cultural activities. Operating in over 240 communities across Saskatchewan. Funding is used for low-income families.
The Support from the individual Endowments really increased our support for the Pro-Life causes.
Saskatoon Pregnancy Options operates an oasis of calm help for women and families facing a pregnancy crisis. Increased activity and upgrades to furniture and security are needed in the offices.
Saskatchewan Pro-Life Association works hard to provide information about life issues. Opposing sex-selective abortions, fighting to maintain the ability to lobby near hospitals and clinics performing abortions, supporting physicians’ “Conscious Right of Refusal” to participate in abortion and many more.
St Paul’s Hospital Foundation has completed the construction of the “Hospice at Glengarda” at the old Ursuline Convent in Saskatoon. The Hospice allows the families of those nearing the “end of life” an opportunity to live on-site with their loved one throughout his/her final days. A grant was allocated for the Improvements needed to enhance the environment and experience for the outdoor relaxation and comfort of the patients as well as their families.
Santa Maria Foundation Inc. operates the Santa Maria Long Term Care Home located in Regina. A grant was given for the mattresses that need updating, which will allow the residents more comfort and in turn provide better rest.
Mont St. Joseph Foundation Inc. operates a 120 resident Long-term home in Prince Albert also providing some space for families to spend time with a resident to the end of their life. A grant was given to install special needs bathtubs, showers and lifts for the residents.
Circle Project Ass’n provides a Cultural Connection for kids. This program provides access to positive cultural activities where the children in our programs can learn/build cultural pride and self-esteem before entering kindergarten. This should help lead them to a more culturally enriched and supportive home environment as well. A grant was allocated to assist in this venture.
Turning Point Youth Ministries in Meadow Lake, provide life skills programs and a safe place for youth to gather weekly. They serve largely an indigenous group with a healthy meal, mental health services, a laundry room, shower and a clothing room. A grant will help provide food, programming supplies, heat and wages.
Justice Centre for Constitutional Rights is a law firm operating from Calgary defending religious and Charter Rights and Constitutional Freedoms of individuals across Canada. Their legal team is experienced and competent in handling these cases by providing free pro bono legal advice and representation (if they need it). 80% of cases only need a letter from a legal representative to have charges dropped. They do have charitable status with CRA. A grant was given to help defend issues involving Saskatchewan defendants.
KC Charities Inc. operates the Columbian Manor Seniors Home in Saskatoon. A grant was given to help fund a new Chapel which will accommodate up to 200 residents.
Micah Missions operating with Sask. Partners provide support for individuals returning to the community following a time of incarceration. Many coming out of these facilities need assistance in helping them not offend again. Their motto “No more victims of sexual violence” has proven successful for over 25 years.
Mother Teresa Middle School located in Regina is a school for inner-city grade 5 +6 students who are having trouble within the normal school environment. Transportation is required to make sure they have safe passage to and from their homes. Attendance is critical and students come from anywhere within Regina. A grant was given to help defray these costs as there is free pickup and delivery.
St. Peter’s College provides University level courses to students at the local level. Being a Catholic College in a rural setting they wish to enhance the Campus Ministry Team and services initiatives. A grant was provided for hosting lunch speaker events, meet and greet sessions at the beginning of term, a trip to the Canadian Students Ass’n Regional Conference, and anything to impact a positive experience for their students.
Light of Christ Catholic Schools at North Battleford host a Mass and retreat for all students on World Catholic Education Day. Students from PA and Lloydminster Catholic schools are invited as well. A grant was provided to help sponsor the speakers including Face to Face Ministries, Manson Normand, Fr. Greg Elder and Mr. David McQuaid.
Rebuilding Catholic Culture operated from the St. Thomas More College is holding a conference on “Catholic Ideal of Friendship”. A grant was provided for Speakers and to assist in the production of materials needed for teachers for the Aquinas Seminars, Catholic Lit. Studies and Logic classes for homeschooling students and other Catholic adults.
James & Lawrence Meier Grant
Swift Current Council #3031
Unity Council #5707 with St. Peter’s Church and the schools
Fr. Kunka Council # 6594 Kelvington/Rose Valley
St. John Paul II Council #17190
ArchBishop O’Neill Council # 8896 Regina
Meadow Lake Council #5259 partnering with Meadow Lake Outreach
Council #11888 Food Pantry
Mother of Perpetual Help #9538 Saskatoon – Front door Ministry
Council #1886 with Humboldt Community Soup Kitchen Inc
Guadelupe House Council #9538 Mother of Perpetual Help
Denzil Council 3920 Denzil + District Food for Families
Council #5259 Gateway Middle School Lunch program
Council #5965 Hudson Bay Food Voucher Program
Recipients in 2021
Thank you from Catholic Family Services NB
Thank you to you and all the Knights! It means so much to have your support, especially during these difficult times.
Kim Morrison
Thank you from PA Catholic Family Services
We greatly appreciate your support, especially during these difficult times. We currently have a waitlist for the Stepping up Program. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the number of participants for our programs is reduced. However, we continue to reach out to as many families and individuals as we possibly can.
Thanks once again for your support!
Louise Zurowski
Executive Director
Catholic Family Services
Youth Camps
A thank you from ST.MICHAELS Youth Camp at Kamsask
Thank you so much, Marvin! This will be a real lifesaver. What a year and a half it has been! Thank you for loosening the guidelines a bit on the grant criteria.
Kind regards,
Joe Coffey
A thank you from Luseland Youth Bible Camp
Thank you so very much for your generosity!!! We are very grateful. The money will be used in our new kitchen/ dining hall. I mentioned your donation ad a praise item at our church this morning.
Tomi Watt
Thank you From St John Bosco Wilderness Camp By Nipawin
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish to thank the Knights of Columbus for their continued support of our camp through the past and hope that this relationship will continue to keep our camp alive for years to come.
Thank you for considering our camp worthy of your support.
Bernie Vossen
Manager, St. John Bosco Wilderness Camp
Thanks from Kenosee Lake Boys and Girls Youth Camp at Carlyle
Thank you so much!
It will be put to good use!
Thanks from Camp Lemieux – Shaunavon
Thank you for reaching out to us to ensure that we applied.
On behalf of Camp Lemieux, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude for the generous donation that the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation is providing to the camp. The funds will help to ensure that Camp Lemieux can offer a Christ-centered camping experience for youth in southern Saskatchewan.
With much gratitude and thanksgiving.
In Christ
Jim Dietrich
Treasurer, Camp Lemieux
Thank you From Saskatoon Youth Complex – Blackstrap
Yes! That’s great news! We are very thankful for this very generous donation from the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus Foundation in partnership with Fr. O’Leary Columbian Society Endowment.
It was good to hear your voice during the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation Annual General Meeting.
O behalf of all the deserving charities that you support, we thank you sincerely
John Marshall
President Blackstrap Youth Camp
Special thanks and information from Camp Monahan
Hello Marvin,
I would like to thank you and the Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation and the grant committee for your support of Camp Monahan. The Donation of $2500 will assist us in achieving our goal of making Camp Monahan a healthier and safer place for the benefit of all the children, staff and community groups that use our facilities for years to come. As you may know, Camp Monahan is owned by the Archdiocese of Regina and just as we are welcome into the church we are also welcome at camp and just as we take ownership of our parishes so to should we take ownership of our camps. It is our goal as an association to reaffirm Monahan’s place in the catholic community, just as the churches and schools have a role to play in the faith of our community so do the camps. We are currently working on our partnership with the Regina Catholic School Division and also in developing a more active role in the youth ministries of our parishes. To understand the full potential the camp provides to the community I would like to invite you, any committee members, and any Brother Knight to contact me or Lisa to discuss the possibilities. I will be at Monahan from April 25 – May 2 and most weekends throughout the spring and summer, if you or anyone else would like to see the benefits that the grant will provide or be inspired by the beauty of the valley I would encourage you to visit us at Camp Monahan. Feel free to contact us anytime.
My cell phone number is 306 209-901, camps cell is 306 522-1047 or respond by email. Thank you again for your support and time!
Chad Marcotte
Youth Family and Education
Thank you from the Justice Centre For Constitutional Freedoms
I deeply appreciate your support.
We will continue to work hard at defending religious freedom in Canada, and all of our other Charter rights and freedoms. Sincerely,
John Carpay, B.A., LL.B.
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
A thank you from Rebuilding Catholic Culture at STM Saskatoon
Thank you so very much! I cannot express how grateful I am for this support. Those whom our group serves will benefit greatly as a result.
Many blessings,
Celene Sidloski
From Columbus Bosco Homes Farm School by Saskatoon
Thank you so much for the grant allocation. During these difficult times, with the pandemic, it is reassuring that we can count on the Knights to continue to support the programs at Columbus Bosco Homes. We are very grateful that our grant was approved. We look forward to your continued support.
Take care, stay safe and all the best.
Rick Rowley
Executive Director
Columbus Bosco Homes
Thank you from Mother Teresa Middle School – Regina
What fantastic news to start the week! We are so blessed and grateful for the incredible support and continued engagement of the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation!
I hope you and all of your members are fairing well during this time and we look forward to providing an update about the impact of the program once students return. Currently, we are utilizing our transportation program to deliver laptops, food and essential items to students and their families.
Mira Trebilcock
Director of Development
Mother Teresa Middle School
Thanks from Meadow Lake Outreach Ministries
Thank you! This will be a huge help!
With Kindest Regards,
Natanis Bundschuh
Meadow Lake Outreach Ministries
Thank you from Lloydminster & Area Brain Injury Society
This is fantastic news! Thanks so much for awarding the Lloydminster & Area Brain Injury Society with this funding! It is greatly appreciated in this crazy year!
Michelle Neufeld
Executive Director
Lloydminster & Area Brain Injury Society
Thank you from Triumph Retreat Inc.
Thank you for informing us that the Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation has seen fit to graciously support the Triumph Program for $2,000.00. This will be a wonderful support for the program, especially during this time of the COVID shutdown. We are looking forward to hopefully conducting the Triumph Program at Queen’s House in Saskatoon at the end of July this year. Our sincere thanks and appreciation to you and your organization for this wonderful support.
Blessings in the Risen Lord,
Jerry Kristian
President Triumph Inc.
Thanks from St. Peter’s College
Thank you so much for the news of your donation. I wish to report that we had a very good student body this year. Everyone lauds their cooperation and maturity. We were able to give person-to-person classes with no COVID-19 issues. The staff planned everything very well.
We hope next year will be less restrictive, but who can foretell?
I’ve had my first shot at the end of March. Drop in for coffee if you ever come through this area.
Thank you from Face to Face Ministries
This is great news to receive this spring. We are very appreciative of the support we receive through the Saskatchewan K of C Charitable Foundation. This support is sure to enable us to do excellent ministry within the areas we travel to/online ministry.
May you have a blessed day,
Dan Brule
Director of Stewardship and Finances
Thank you From Natural Family Planning
Thank you so much for this good news, our Association is very grateful for the support of the K of C Charitable Foundation. The funds will greatly assist us in continuing our work!
Gisele King – Treasurer, NFP Saskatchewan (on behalf of all the NFP Saskatchewan board)
Thanks from Saskatoon Pregnancy Options
Thank you so much! We are honoured to know that you value the work we do with women, men and babies in crisis pregnancy. Your generous grant will go a long way in offering them hope and valuable help.
take care,
Cathy LaFleche
Executive Director
Saskatoon Pregnancy Options Centre
A thank you From SANTA MARIA Foundation in Regina – Seniors Home
On behalf of the residents of Santa Maria, thank you to the Knights for this wonderful support. Please know it is much appreciated. We will order 2 chairs, and once they are here and labelled (to recognize the Knights for their generous support of this home), we will send you a picture.
These chairs truly do make a difference in the daily lives of our elders. Thank you for helping them out.
Take care. And please be safe.
Thank you From St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation
What incredible news to hear on a Monday morning. On behalf of St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation, thank you so very much for this generous gift in support of the Hospice at Glengarda. These funds will support our efforts to enhance the environment and experience for residents and their families on their end-of-life journey. It is so wonderful to witness such thoughtfulness and generosity in our community.
Trish Cheveldayoff
Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Relations
Thank you from Circle Project in Regina
I hope you are well.
Thank you so much for this support! We will put the funds to good use in our programming with Indigenous families.
In the Spirit of Building Community,
Ann Perry, Executive Director
Circle Project
Thank you From Turning Point Youth Ministries Meadow Lake
That is fabulous!!! Thank you so much!!! We REALLY appreciate it!
Belinda Martin
James and Lawrence Meier Food for Families
A Thank you From Paul Ponak – Council #8896 Regina – Food for Families Grant
Thank you, Marvin – to you & the Charitable Foundation. Our Council will allocate these funds to continue to assist those who most can use this basic need.
Thank you again.
A thank you From Humboldt Soup Kitchen at Humboldt – Food for Families Grant
Good morning:
You have brightened our day significantly! Thank you so much for your support in our mission.
It is wonderful to partner with organizations who share our vision and concern for those less fortunate in our communities. This will go a long way to provide the food and support the vulnerable sector of Humboldt requires.
We are grateful for your kindness and generosity!
Best regards,
Kari Cenciosi
Program Coordinator
Humboldt Community Soup Kitchen
Thank you From Unity Council #5707 Food for Families
Firstly a big thank you to you and Pat for the $600.00 contribution from the Marvin & Pat DeSchryver Family Endowment. Secondly, please extend council 5707s thanks to the Foundation for this $3,500.00 grant and lastly to the James & Lawrence Meier Fund for their grant of $2,900.00. With our council 5707 donations of $1,899.80 from the sale of Charity Appeal tickets, our local Unity food bank will receive $5,499.80 from the Knights of Columbus. Thank you ever so much
Richard Colbow
Thank you from Swift Current Council #3031 Food for Families
Excellent, we thank you very much for the grant. We will put the funds to use in our efforts to meet some of the needs within the Schools
Again we thank the Foundation for making this grant available and for helping us to feed the children within the Swift Current Schools.
Gord Hagen GK
Council 3031
Congrats Gord. More valuable money we can put to good use. Looking forward to discussions on how to distribute this gift. Regards Wayne
Thank you from Council #9538 Guadalupe House – Food for Families
Thank you so much. That is terrific news. Thank you, thank you, thank you…..
Don Brophy
Thank you from the Cueranavca Project Archdiocese of Regina
April 18, 2021
Hello Marvin – this is good news! Thank you so very much to the Knights of Columbus Foundation for your generosity!
Blessings! Keep well!