Donation Options

How To Help With Your Donation

Providing Help – Creating Hope


A hand up for those in need…
The Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation appreciates and relies upon the generosity of Individuals, Councils, Corporations and other Foundations to support our works of Charity. These generous contributions of financial support are necessary for the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation to fulfill the need of the less fortunate within our communities. All donations are eligible for Income Tax receipts. Our Charitable Tax # is 134432327 RR001.

The accumulated value of all donations is recorded for individual information. All donations are %100 tax-deductible. (The present tax-deductible rate for Saskatchewan residents for donations over $200 is 15% Provincially and 29% Federally for a total of 44%. In essence, each $100 donation only costs the individual $56.)

Contribution Options

Five methods of payments are available for you to contribute to the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation:

Cash Donation

The fastest and simplest way to help…
This is the most common and simplest form of contributing. Click on the link at the end of this paragraph to download a copy of the Contribution Form. Print the form, then complete the form and forward it together with your check payable to the K of C Charitable Foundation. Mail to:
Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation
P.O. Box 61, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, S6H 4N7
Upon receipt of a donation over $20.00, the Foundation will forward an income tax receipt to the donor and the address indicated on the form.
CLICK HERE to download a copy of the Donation Form, which can be filled out online and then printed

Credit Card Donation

Easy and secure…
The Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation has an agreement with Bambora to collect all credit card payments on our behalf.

The Sask K of C Charitable Foundation will also forward a separate communication indicating that we have received the funds. This will also provide you with a cumulative total of your contributions to the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation.

EFT Payment

Electronic Fund Transfers are now accepted by the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus Charitable Foundation.

Each financial institution may be different, however, the following provides a general outline for the completion of the transaction.  You must complete the following guidelines:

Begin by accessing your bank account
Hit “Transfer” and then hit “Send Interac e-Transfer”
You then must hit the tab “Add Recipient”
The recipient is: Sask K of C Charitable Foundation
The e-mail address is:
The amount of the donation: $
They will now ask for a question or password.  The question must be one that the Recipient is familiar with as well.
Our standard question is:  Knights of?
The answer is: Columbus (remember to use a capital C)
The Message box is where you indicate where specifically you want the funds forwarded

* A person can make a Memorial Donation and still have the funds allocated to any of the Endowments but not wheelchairs or Coats for Kids. 

If a Memorial Fund donation –  indicate the name of the deceased as well as the name and address of the family member where the certificate is to be sent.   Also, place in this area the name of the Endowment as well if you wish to have it allocated to a specific Endowment.
If the donation is to an Endowment – indicate the name of the Endowment in the Message box.
If the donation is to a specific project, place the name of the project in the Message box.

If the donation is to the General Fund, nothing needs to be placed in the Message box

Many of these message boxes are limited to 40 characters but that should be adequate for most.  If you happen to need more, follow up your donation with additional instructions in an e-mail to Gerry at

Within a week of making the donation, you will receive an e-mail receipt for tax purposes from the Saskatchewan K of C Foundation office.  If you do not receive the receipt, please call Gerry at the office at 306 631 1610.

Pledge of Securities

Share your success with others…
The Sask K of C Charitable Foundation can accept registered securities traded on the stock exchange. The tax receipt will be issued at the current market rate of the securities. This again will represent a 44% tax credit as a non-profit charity receipt.

The advantage of this form of contribution is that any unrealized capital gains are not taxable to the donor. Although each scenario is unique, this may realize up to a 65% tax consideration.

The Sask K of C Charitable Foundation will issue a tax receipt in the year the securities are transferred to the Foundation.

Life Insurance Policy

Plan Your Legacy…
Life insurance is an excellent way to provide tax relief to the estate of the donor. Several options are available and we would strongly recommend that you contact your accountant and/or insurance agent to identify the specific plan that would best meet your financial needs. A brief overview of some of the options includes:

a) Establish a Life Insurance Policy with the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation as the Owner
The Foundation receives the full realized value of the insurance policy. Once the Foundation receives the proceeds of the life insurance policy, a tax receipt will be issued in the name of the estate. The amount of the tax receipt will depend on the portion of the premiums that were deducted for tax purposes.

If the full amount of the premiums paid during the term of the insurance were deducted for tax purposes, there will be no tax receipt issued to the estate. If, however, the premiums were not deducted by the contributor, the full value of the policy will be receipted to the estate.
If for some reason the premiums are not made during the term of the policy, as the owner of the policy, the Sask K of C Foundation has the option to cover the cost of the premium

b) Establish a Life Insurance Policy with the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation as a Beneficiary
The Foundation receives the full realized value of the insurance policy. Once the Foundation receives the proceeds of the life insurance policy, a tax receipt will be issued in the name of the estate. The amount of the tax receipt will depend on the portion of the premiums that were deducted for tax purposes.

If the full amount of the premiums paid during the term of the insurance were deducted for tax purposes, there will be no tax receipt issued to the estate. If, however, the premiums were not deducted by the contributor, the full value of the policy will be receipted to the estate.

c) Transfer of a Paid-Up Policy to the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation
Once the Foundation receives the proceeds of the insurance, they will issue a tax receipt to the estate for the full amount of the insurance policy. This will minimize the tax payable by the beneficiaries of the estate. There is no immediate benefit to the donor as the premiums would have already been paid.

Ask your Insurance Broker for more details or click on the link below for a list of Agents with Knights of Columbus Insurance

CLICK HERE to go to the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus Insurance Agent’s website.

Bequest in a Will

A final act of compassion…
The Sask K of C Charitable Foundation will be included as one of the beneficiaries in your will.
This Bequest can either be shown as a specific dollar value or as a percentage of the proceeds of the estate.

The advantage is that the estate receives an income tax receipt for the entire amount of the Bequest.

Donate through CanadaHelps

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