James Meier was born on the family farm northwest of Luseland on April 12, 1934 – the third child in a family of 10. Following his formal education, James engaged in his lifetime passion and career by helping his father on the family farm. When his parents retired In 1964, James and his brother Lawrence entered into a partnership of managing a very successful mixed farming operation.

Over the years, in addition to farming, James worked for Census Canada and PFRA. He also generously gave of his time as a volunteer in many of the local nonprofit and community organizations.
James joined the Knights of Columbus Luseland Council # 6684 in 1968. That was 51 years ago and one year prior to the formation of the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation. James was an active Council member which included performing the role of Financial Secretary for over 35 years.
James enjoyed and participated in many sports such as curling golf and fastball. His passion was demonstrated when he expressed his disappointment in missing a ball tournament because his sisters picked that weekend to get married.
The death of his younger brother and farming partner on November 4th, 2018 was difficult for James. While mourning the loss, he also recognized that life must go on.
He decided to sell his properties and retire to Swift Current where he could be close to his sister Loretta. James was always a kind, caring, and passionate individual. He has generously contributed to many community activities and organizations over the years.
His passion for the values and ideals of his faith and the Knights of Columbus was truly exemplified when he made the decision to share the profits of Lawrence and his years of labor with a $1,000,000.00 donation to our Sask K of C Charitable Foundation. James has indicated that he will utilize up to $150,000.00 of his gift as a means of supporting the Vocations Endowment. To this end, he has agreed to match the donations of this second year to a total of $150,000.00.
James only had one request for the longer-term allocation of earnings from his generous gift. It is his wish that we work together with like-minded organizations in feeding the hungry within our communities. With this intent in mind, our Foundation has established the James & Lawrence Meier Grant. Each year we will present this Grant as a means of assisting in provided nourishment to the less fortunate within our communities. It is our hope that establishing this Grant will – in a small way – demonstrate our appreciation and gratitude to James for his pride, confidence, and trust in our Foundation. This Grant will also provide a long term legacy for James & his brother Lawrence. We ask each Council to review the criteria and ensure that eligible organizations are completing their applications prior to January 15th each year.
At our 50th Anniversary celebration, James Meier was recognized by the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation for the generosity, confidence, and trust that James has placed in our organization.
James Meier Family
Front Row: Charlene Lang, Marvin Lang, James Meier, Michael Koenig, Harvey Granatier (Pres. K of C Charitable Foundation)
James & Lawrence Meier Grant
The James & Lawrence Meier Grant was established as a means of partnering with groups and organizations that provide nourishment to individuals within our communities.
We hope that we can partner with each of these groups in achieving our shared goal of ensuring that no one goes to sleep hungry. Please share what is happening in your community through the application form below.