Cash Calendars

Front Cover

The Sask K of C Charitable Foundation has developed a Cash Calendar as an annual Fundraiser.  The 2025 Calendar features pictures with text from twelve of the recipients of donations made from the Foundation.

These calendars will be sold by all Sask  Knight of Columbus Councils in the province for $40.00 per calendar. The cash calendar will have 64 draws throughout the year with a total payout of $25,000.00 in cash prizes.   There are 5,000 calendars printed which means you will have excellent odds of winning.   

You may contact the Knights of Columbus Council in your community to purchase your calendar and participate in this exciting project.     

You can view the entire calendar by clicking this link.   


Each Council that reaches its calendar sales goal receives a Sask K of C Charitable Foundation jacket to present to its Chaplain as a gift. There are currently 34 K of C Councils within the province that have met their target and are making the jacket presentation to their Chaplain. Below is a listing of the number of calendars sold by each of the Knights of Councils in the province.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I buy a calendar?​

If you do not have the name of the Grand Knight of the K of C Council in your community, please get in touch with our Executive Director, Gerry Gieni at or 306 631 1610. Gerry will ensure you receive a calendar and your name is a part of the draw.

2. Where do I find the listing of the names of the winners?

An updated listing of the names of all winners will be found on the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation website at

3. How will I be advised if I win?​

Within 24 hours of the draw, the winner will receive an e-mail advising them of the date and amount that they have won. They will be advised to expect an e-transfer from the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation within a week.

4. What if I do not have an e-mail address? ​

Any winner who does not have an e-mail address on their ticket will receive a phone call within the 24-hour timeframe.

5. What if I am unable to accept an e-transfer? ​

If we are informed that you are unable to accept an e-transfer, we will confirm your mailing address by phone and send you a cheque by mail. You should receive the cheque within one month of your notification of having won.

6. Can I win more than once?​

Yes, the winner’s name is placed back into the draw drum after every draw.

7. Is there a particular reason for the choice of the twelve photos on each month of the calendar?​

Each year, the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation pays out at least 5% of its assets to qualifying applicants with the province.  In 2024, a total of $294,800.00 was paid out to 55 worthy recipients throughout the province.  The 2025 calendar hopes to profile 12 of those participants.  Each year a new group of 12 recipients will be profiled.       

8. Can the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation sell more than 5,000 tickets?​

No, our SLGA license limits us to sell only 5,000 calendars. The 5,000 calendars have all been printed and are available for sale.

9. Is there more than one person that views each of the draws?​

Yes, at least two or more people will view every draw throughout the year.

10. Do I need to be a member of the Knights of Columbus to purchase a calendar?​

No, our SLGA license is not restrictive.  We encourage everyone interested to purchase a calendar and be eligible to win.

11. Is there only one price for the calendar, regardless of the purchaser or the number purchased?​

Yes, every calendar is sold for $40.00. The $40.00 price is clearly shown on the front and back of the calendar.



1. How does a K of C Council participate in the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation Cash Calendar project?​

Every Sask K of C Council is encouraged to participate in the sale of calendars. Please get in touch with our Executive Director Gerry Gieni at or 306 631 1610 to receive further information.

2. Is there a minimum number of calendars that a Council can receive to sell? ​

Yes, calendars are sold to the Councils for re-sale in multiples of 20.

3. Does our Council need to pay for the calendars before we sell them? ​

The Council is required to provide a cheque when receiving the calendars, however, the cheque can be postdated to December 20th, 2024 allowing adequate time to sell the calendars before actually making payment.

4. If our Council only gets 20 calendars in our initial purchase, how quickly can we get more? ​

The inventory of calendars is with SD Larry in Davidson and Foundation President Harvey in Saskatoon. We will try to get the first order of calendars delivered to every Council in the province. The cost of postage prohibits us from mailing additional calendars, therefore, we strongly recommend you purchase sufficient numbers in your initial order.

5. Can I personally purchase and resell calendars? ​

No, calendars can only be purchased and sold by one of the 131 Councils within Saskatchewan. I am sure that the Grand Knight of your Council would welcome your offer to sell calendars for the Council.

6. What is the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation doing with the proceeds of this project?​

The Cash Calendar project is extremely important to the sustainability of our Foundation.  Our Foundation is mandated by recent legislative changes to pay out 5% of our assets in donation every year.   This 5% minimum donation is after payment of all our operating expenses. 
With fluctuations in the markets and changes in interest rates, it is impossible for us to earn enough from our investments to cover both the 5% donations and all operating expenses.  Therefore, non interest income, including the Cash Calendar project is mandatory if we do not want to spend donations for operating expenses.

7. What happens if the names of the purchasers are not forwarded to the Executive Director prior to the timing of the first draw?​

All calendar numbers are recorded when provided to the K of C Council. The number of every calendar sold to the Councils is included in every draw. If a number is drawn and we do not have the name of the specific purchaser, the selling Council will be called and the purchaser will be identified and notified.


1. What is the purpose of the Incentive?​

The Incentive is designed to encourage and motivate Councils to sell calendars within their councils, their Parish and the general community. This is also an opportunity for your Council to offer a special gift of appreciation to your Chaplain for the support and leadership he offers to your Council.

2. How is the incentive number established for each Council? ​

The Incentive is based on the membership within the Council as shared at the Annual Convention in Regina. The number of calendars needed to qualify for a Chaplain jacket are:
– 0 – 50 members 40 calendars
– 50 – 100 members 60 calendars
– Over 100 members 80 calendars

3. When does our Chaplain get his jacket? ​

Jackets will be ordered twice – June 30th, 2024 and December 31st, 2024. To be included in the order, our Foundation will need to have received a cheque for the qualifying number of calendars on or before the order date. We will contact the Grand Knight and/or Financial Secretary of the qualifying Council before the order date to get information on sizing, Council name & number on the sleeve etc.
If you fail to receive an e-mail by the end of June/December, please contact our office at 306 361 1610.

4. Can we just purchase a jacket for our Chaplain if our Council does not reach our qualifying number of sales?​

No, there will be no sale of jackets. Chaplains will only receive a jacket if their Council meets the qualifying number of calendar sales.

5. As a Grand Knight or member, can I purchase an additional jacket once our Council has met its qualifying incentive number of sales?​

No, there will be no sale of jackets. Only Council Chaplains will be eligible to have jackets ordered for them.

6. We may not be able to sell enough calendars this year, but we would like to have our Chaplain get a jacket if you have the calendar project next year. Is that a possibility?​

No. The Chaplain jacket Incentive is only for this year (2024) and will not be repeated even if we do sell calendars next year. We strongly encourage you to sell the qualifying number of calendars and present the jacket to your Chaplain.

7. Can you give us an idea on the look and design of the jacket? ​

Below is an example of the jacket’s colour and style. It is designed for use in the spring and fall.

Fr. Augustine proudly tries on his new Sask K of C Foundation jacket.
Fr. Augustine proudly tries on his new Sask K of C Foundation jacket.


City/TownCouncil NameCouncil NumberChaplain Name
CarlyleMoose Mountain Council10317Fr. Christopher Juchacz
Davidson/OutlookDavidson/Outlook Council5384Fr Joseph Thazhathemuriyil
DebdenDebden Council3456Fr. Mariusz Zajac
GerardJohn XXIII Council6182Fr. Francis Plaparampil
HumboldtHumboldt Council1886Fr. Colin Roy
Kelvington/Rose ValleyFather Kunka Council6594Fr. Olatunde Jerome Ogunleye
Lestock/WishartFr. Menard Council8338Fr. Rick Krofchek
Moose JawFr. Lawless Council1534Fr. Adelberto Lillo
N. BattlefordNorth Battleford Council2094Fr. Millan Sajonas
ReginaSt. Martin de Porres Council10313Fr. Richard Jasiak
SaskatoonDenis Mahoney Council8215Fr. Gerrard Cooper
SaskatoonHoly Spirit Council8905Fr. Joseph Salihu
SaskatoonMary Mother of the Church Council11888Fr. Daniel Yasinski
SaskatoonConseil Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens8301Père Daniel Louh
SaskatoonSt. Philip Neri Council9539Fr. Doug Jeffrey
Prince AlbertSt. Michael Council9949Fr. Maurice Fiolleau
Prince AlbertSt. Jospeh Council8547Fr. Jim Kaptein
LaniganFr. Sinnett Council6068Fr. Augustine Osei-Bonsu
Foam LakeFoam Lake Council5970Fr. Augustine Osei-Bonsu
WynyardBishop Roborecki Council7436Fr. Augustine Osei-Bonsu
DenzilDenzil Council3920Fr. Santhosh Thekkekulam
MacklinMacklin5474Fr. Santhosh Thekkekulam
Lanigan/Foam Lake/WynyardFr. Sinnett Council6068Fr. Augustine Osei-Bonsu
Denzil/MacklinDenzil Council3920Fr. Santhosh Thekkekulam
LuselandLuseland6684Fr. Charles Nweze
ShellbrookShellbrook9761Father TD
WeyburnWeyburn1731Fr. Valetine Amobi
ReginaArchbishop O’Neill8896Rev. Brian Meredith
YorktonFather Dalaere5182Fr. Basil
NipawinPope John Paul I7315Fr. Kendrick Beler
ReginaHoly Trinity10401Fr. Gaspar
SaskatoonSacred Heart Chaldian2695Abouna Bassim Shoni
ReginaResurrection13214Fr. Brad
CudworthCudworth3183Fr. Ben
SaskatoonDenis Mahoney Council8215Fr. Gerrard Cooper
SaskatoonMonseigneur Robinson8279Fr. David Tumbach

Presentation of Chaplain Jacket Photos

Presentation of Chaplain Jacket


Objective: Each Council that reaches its goal for calendar sales receives a Sask K of C Charitable Foundation jacket to present to their Chaplain as a gift.   Currently, 34 K of C Councils within the province have met their target and are presenting the jacket to their Chaplain.  Below is a listing indicating the number of calendars sold by each of the Knight of Councils in the province

Incentive: Each Council Chaplain will be presented with a Sask K of C Charitable Foundation fall jacket if the Council meets their sales incentive target.

The jacket has the logo of the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation on the lapel and the name of the Council on the sleeve.
Only Chaplains will be eligible to receive a jacket.

Sales Incentive Qualifications:  Qualification targets will be based on the membership of the Council:

  • 0 – 50 members –       40 calendars
  • 50 – 100 members –  60 calendars
  • Over 100 members – 80 calendars

Council Incentive Numbers:  Each Council incentive number is shown in this file.

Sales Approaches for Councils to Consider:

  • Partner with your Parish to sell calendars after mass on multiple Sundays. 
  • Encourage members and parishioners to consider the cash calendars as gifts particularly before the Christmas season.    
  • Consider a mailout to all members of the Council encouraging inactive members to become involved in this fundraising initiative.
  • Establish a purpose for the funds in your Council or Parish.  A drive with a purpose for the funds is generally much more successful. 

 Benefits to Implement Calendar Sales in your Council:

  • This provides a revenue source for the Council.   
  • The calendar illustrates twelve recipients of funding by the K of C Charitable Foundation.  This is a unique opportunity for us to increase awareness of how we exemplify the lesson of Charity within Saskatchewan.
  • The jackets will improve the branding and awareness of the Sask K of C Charitable Foundation within our clergy and our parish.
  • This is our first year at selling and having success will enable similar purchasers each year in the future.
  • Providing the incentive for the Council Chaplain is unique and should have positive response from the membership and Catholic community.

Previous Grant Recipients

The Homeplate Emergency Shelter offers overnight shelter and services for individuals in danger of spending the night in the harshness of the elements. The facility was pur-chased, renovated and maintained through financial donations and volunteer time by a significant number of generous individuals and organizations. The Shelter accepts up to 20 guests from 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM each night from November to April. Sask K of C Charitable Foundation was proud to partner with Meadow Lake K of C Council in supporting this project.
Homeplate Emergency Shelter
Homeplate Emergency Shelter
The Coats for Kids program is designed to ensure that no child goes without a warm coat during the cold winter months. The Knights of Columbus have dis-tributed over 1 million coats to those in need within North America in the past 14 years. In 2023, the Saskatchewan Knights of Columbus distributed over 7,500 coats throughout the province. The bright smile and expression of pride on a child’s face when putting on a new warm winter coat is a reward experi-enced by many of the K of C Council members this past year. Sask K of C Charitable Foundation is pleased and proud to partner in this tremendous project.
Coats for Kids - Leoville Council 10856
COATS FOR KIDS Saskatchewan
There is a growing number of individuals and families within our province unable to prepare and enjoy a warm nutritious daily meal. Knights of Columbus Councils are partnering with schools, parishes and other like-minded organizations within their communities to meet this basic need. Each year Swift Current Council 3031, in partnership with the Swift Current CWL and Christ the Redeemer Parish, produces vegetables in their large vegetable garden. Their labour of love in planting, growing and selling these vegetables is a major source of funding for hot lunches offered to students in schools within Swift Current and neighbouring communities. Sask K of C Charitable Foundation is pleased to offer funding through the James & Lawrence Meier Fund to enable Swift Current K of C Council to increase the number of meals offered within their community.
Food For Families
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