Memorial Donations
This is a very effective method to express your sympathy to those grieving the death of a friend or loved one. A “Certificate of Remembrance” is sent to a family member of the deceased offering condolences and indicating the name of the donor. The deceased is also included in a Memorial Mass. Those remembered through a Memorial Donation in the last few months include:
Don Link Kelvington Ray Leier Humboldt Bernie Mikolas Neepawa
John Uhryn Yorkton Melicar Sperle Unity Yolande Gregga Regina
Yves Descottes Craven Alphonse Thimm Bruno John & Margaret Yakimowski Regina
Theresa Sielski Saskatoon John Sopyc Unity Alex Nahachewsky Saskatoon
Archie & Eileen Bell Saskatoon Lillian Treml Saskatoon Albert & Evelyn Barkman Lemberg
Conrad Reiger Regina Robert Mann Lemberg Ken Staresina Kelvington
Janet Hoffman Regina Leo Wiegers Jr. North Battleford Willie Saurer Humboldt
Al Rossler Moose Jaw Willie Hartman Tisdale Ted Laureles Regina
Pat Murphy Regina Tony Fraess Swift Current William Hyswick Swift Current
Alwyn Rafael Humboldt Gerry Paradis Coronach Nettie Folk Regina
John Wagner Unity Gregory Pereira Humboldt Leon Gagne Spiritwood
Joe Zaba Regina Alvin Kuechle Saskatoon John Brunette Regina
James Wacholtz Englefeld Bernie & Mary Kelly Shellbrook Roberto Guerrero Weyburn
Evelyn Krupka Denzil Sheila Hryniuk Prud’homme Bennit Fernandez Humboldt
Don Kent Regina William Cockburn North Battleford Aimee Perras Regina
Leonard Bzdel Saskatoon Lionel Dufault Naicam Bennet Fernandez Humboldt
Claud Geiger Regina Gabriel Pereira Humboldt James Wilchynski Regina
Ivan Dale Humboldt Hugo Korte Humboldt Terry Dierker Mistatim
Gordon Lux Humboldt Bea McGrath LeRoy Velma Leier Humboldt
Ron Shaw Regina Graydon Olsen Unity Ines Fabris Cut Knife